Tuesday, November 26, 2019

to kill a mockingbird - Jem essays

to kill a mockingbird - Jem essays In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird many different issues are addressed. One of these is the maturing of Jem Finch. Although Jem is still a child at the beginning of the novel being immature and unaware of the society and issues that surround him, he matures a great deal mentally to the point where he sees the evil in society and understands political, social and emotional issues as an adult would. Three main points that come across at the start to show that Jem is still a child are that he is young, plays with his little sister, and has childhood monsters. However, as the novel progresses he deals with the issues that arise in a mature, adult like fashion. In the first chapter Scout tells us that Jem is only nine years old "When I was almost six and Jem was almost ten..." (p.6). This means he is still a moderately young child. Jem and Scout spend a lot of their time playing together, and have childhood monsters or fears like any other child. As the novel progresses, there is evidence that Jem is growing up because he doesn't play with Scout and Dill anymore, finding himself spending more time on his own presumably pondering issues of life. Another example of Jem as a child is that he has childhood fears and monsters. In Jem's case it is Arthur Radley, known by the children as Boo. Often, during his first summer with Dill, Jem talks of Boo and his house much like a child discusses a haunted house. " It's just I can't think of a way to make him come out without him gettin' us."... When he said that I knew he was afraid. (p. 15) Later in the novel they are no longer afraid of him and are no longer interested making him come out.The R adley Place ceased to terrify me,....I sometimes felt a twinge of remorse, when passing by the old place, at ever having taken part in what must have been sheer torment to Authur Radley-?(p.267) Half way through the novel Jem's first awareness of the society in which he lives can be noted. When hi ...

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