Thursday, January 9, 2020

Social-Psychological Principles in Good Will Hunting Essay

Social-psychological principles in Good Will Hunting Donna Harris SOCI 4340 Good Will Hunting is a story about Will Hunting who works as a janitor at MIT cleaning classrooms. Will is an orphan who grew up in various foster homes and was physically abused as a child. Will is also an extraordinary mathematical genius with a photographic memory, who enjoys solving math problems. Will blames himself for his unhappy upbringing and turns this self-loathing into a form of self-sabotage in both his professional and emotional lives. Because Will blames himself he is unable to maintain a steady job or a steady relationship. Will must learn to overcome his fear of abandonment in order to learn how to trust and love people who†¦show more content†¦Will did not know what he wanted to do with his life and did not think that he was good enough for anything outside of South Boston. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies There are a couple of scenes in the movie Good Will Hunting that show self-fulfilling prophecies. The first scene in the movie that depicts self-fulfilling prophecies is when Will goes to call Skylar but then does not say anything when she answers the phone. The second scene in Good Will Hunting that represents self-fulfilling prophecies is when Will and Skylar are laying in bed and Skylar asks Will to go to California with her. Will gets defensive and begins to push Skylar away and they get into a heated argument. Will is defensive because he is trying to push Skylar away before she does it to him. Skylar tells Will that she loves him but Will still continues to push her away. Will ends up leaving but first tells Skylar that he does not love her. The social-psychological principle that is relevant to this scene is self-fulfilling prophecies. The definition of self-fulfilling prophecy is â€Å"the observation that expectations about the future tend to come true due to the fact that our expectations affect what we think, say, and do and those actions affect the outcome of events and situations†. Robert Merton describes self-fulfilling prophecies as the situation where we end up labeling others, and through this we actually influence their action, and they eventually becomeShow MoreRelatedThe Glass Castle, By Jeannette Walls1510 Words   |  7 Pagesa smart yet alcoholic father. Despite the fact Wells’ parents taught their children to be very strong and determined, Jeannette very much believed the way she was raised as being not normal. In our society, we tend to follow certain many moral principles and if not followed, there could be many negative consequences. 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